The purpose of the BLE Serial RS232 adapter is to convert the serial data signal from AlcoMeasure into a BLE signal (Bluetooth Low Energy), which Doorkeeper (iPad) can receive.
Any BLE Serial RS232 device should work; however, ensure that your adapter is BLE and not Bluetooth 2.0, 2.1, etc.
In this guide, we are using this particular device: uConnect S2B5232I. The key settings are:
Baud rate set to 9600 (Alcolizer is set to 9600 by default).
DTE (Data Terminating Equipment).
These settings can be configured via the manufacturer's software; however, using the DIP switches is much simpler.
Set DIP switch 9 to 1 (up). This enables switch configuration (as opposed to software config).
Set all other DIP switches to 0 (down). Switches 3-2-1 as 0-0-0 sets the baud rate to 9600.
Finally, check that the adapter is in DTE mode.
Open the Alcolizer unit and plug in a USB keyboard. Press F1 on the keyboard to toggle the Status screen. Press ESC or Alt to toggle the Configuration Menu. Here's the list of keyboard shortcuts.
F1: Toggle Status screen
F4: Save the event log
Alt: toggle instrument configuration menu (Left Alt key)
Esc: Toggle instrument configuration menu
Alt+up: Switch to the previous configuration page
Alt+down: Switch to the next configuration page
Alt+left: Switch to previous tab or page
Alt+right: Switch to the next tab or page
Ctrl+Alt+P: Write screenshot to USB
TAB: used to navigate within the page across different sections
This setting tells Alcomeasure to wait for Doorkeeper's authorisation before a user can submit a breath sample.
"Select" Enabled.
Adjust the Expiry Time - the time you want to wait for the user to start blowing.
Connect the Serial COM2 port to the BLE RS232 adaptor using a serial cable. Then connect a USB-A to USB mini cable from USB A on the PCB to the BLE adapter. This provides power to the BLE RS232 adapter.
NOTE: Space might be limited. Do not put excessive pressure on the PCB. You might need right-angled serial adaptors to help with cable management.
On Doorkeeper Pro, navigate to Settings, then Breathalyser.
After enabling Bluetooth, you should see your BLE adapter in the list. In our case, BLE232.
Select it.
If you tap on "Send Test Command", AlcoMeasure should audibly BEEP, asking you to blow in the straw. You can do so, or wait for it to timeout.
Next, tap on "Check In", then select Require Breathalyser. You can decide if Any Identity requires a BAC test or only selected Labels of Identities.
You're all done! Please contact our support team if you require assistance with this.