⚠️ Requires at least one Doorkeeper installed and at least one IP camera.
On the Nirovision Mobile📱 or Web 🖥 app, click on your company name in the top right corner and go to Settings > Location (select desired location from drop-down) > Alarms.
Click the Add alarm button in the top right-hand corner to create an alarm.
Give your alarm a name. This will appear in the Detail view of every event that triggers the alarm.
Select alarm type Missed Checkin ⚠️ using the drop-down.
Enter (in minutes) how long after the missed check-in would you like to be notified.
Define how many minutes Nirovision waits before triggering the missed check-in alarm.
⚠️ Depending on the size of your venue, its layout and the placement of your cameras, it may be expected for someone to be seen (at a gate or entrance) before they check in using Doorkeeper (in a lobby or reception area). This setting allows you to accomodate this delay without being alerted, to avoid spam.
Select the Doorkeeper(s) you would like to use for this alarm. You can connect one or more to look for alarm-worthy events.
Define a schedule for the alarm. You can opt to be alerted on specific days/times, or all day.
All day
Scheduled - you will be notified if someone skips the check-in process during the hours chosen.
Outside schedule - you will be notified if someone skips the check-in process outside the hours chosen.
Define which team member(s) to notify when the criteria are met. Remember that it's up to the each user to define their notification preferences.
[Optional] Decide whether to post alerts to one or more Slack channels, in addition to traditional notifications (email and push).
Click Create to save your changes and enable your alarm. Your alarm will be triggered as soon as your criteria are met.