Enable Guided Access

Enable Guided Access

Guided Access is an iOS feature that allows you to lock your device down to a single application - preventing users from being able to exit to the main menu, swap applications or change settings.

We recommend turning Guided Access on all your Doorkeeper devices - that's why we ask about this during the first step of the set-up process.

Set up Guided Access

First, you need to enable Guided Access on the iPad's settings. You only need to do this once.

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility, then turn on Guided Access.

  2. Tap Passcode Settings, then tap Set Guided Access Passcode.

  3. Enter a passcode, then re-enter it.

🟢 Start a Guided Access session

Once Guided Access has been enabled on a device, you need to start a session.

  1. Open the Doorkeeper app.

    1. If your iPad has a home button: triple-click the Home button, then enter the Guided Access passcode.

    2. If your iPad does not have a home button: triple-click the top button, then enter the Guided Access passcode.

  2. Tap Guided Access, then tap Start.

🔴 End a Guided Access session

  1. If your iPad has a home button: triple-click the Home button, then enter the Guided Access passcode.

  2. If your iPad does not have a home button: triple-click the top button, then enter the Guided Access passcode.

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